
BritHikesOntario: Real name Stu.

The guy who’s always slightly unsure whether he’s in Ontario or Worcestershire. An enthusiastic hiker, birder, and all-round nature lover, Stu swapped the cozy British countryside for the vast, rugged beauty of Ontario. With a camera in one hand and a map he hasn’t read in the other, he’s usually found wandering through forests, either lost or waxing lyrical about birds, nature, and wildlife—when he’s not tripping over tree roots, of course. The sound of his British accent might give him away, but it’s his ability to identify birds by their sound that gets them to their target species.

Sara: Real name Sara.
The unsung hero, Stu’s better half, and the actual brains behind the operation. While Stu is off waxing lyrical about the romance of Canada’s wilderness, Sara is busy executing itineraries, submitting eBird sightings, and making sure they both return home with all of their limbs intact. With a biology degree, the patience of a saint, and the keen ability to predict which bird will appear when and where (often just as Stu gives up), she’s also the one keeping Stu from being eaten by wolves or stampeded by a bull moose—skills honed during her North Bay wilderness survival, aka her university days at Nipissing.

By the way. It’s Sara. Pronounced “Sarah”. But spelt without the ‘H’.

Together, Stu and Sara explore Ontario’s trails (and sometimes beyond), sharing the beauty of their surroundings, often on the hunt for wildlife. They are avid birders, always looking to expand upon their “Life Lists” while sharing their story. Join them as they navigate nature’s quirks, marvel at Canada’s wild beauty, and try to work out why everything in Ontario is named after a British town.

From time to time, Stu and Sara are joined by their wonderfully confused special guests—family and friends who aren’t entirely sure what they’ve signed up for. Thanks for appearing, and, well, surviving.

Finally, a huge thank you to all subscribers—because without you, Stu and Sara would probably just be talking to themselves in the woods (which, let’s be honest, still happens occasionally).

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